
press and media coverage

Jason???s PR machine is non-stop. He is continuously being interviewed and has had numerous articles published in magazines, newspapers and travel guides. It is worth noting that the magazines are not simply dive related but are across the range of popular social media worldwide.

The financial contribution the media coverage Grenada has gained from this project is significant, the media impact of publications like Vogue, OK and Caribbean Travel and Life and premium newspapers like the Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Times and the Observer can only be imagined. What is sure it that the project has put Grenada in the minds of many people who possibly may not have known about the island before making Grenada a more likely choice as a holiday destination.

As can be seen in the articles below the Circle of Children has become the iconic image of the underwater park. It is almost always the lead image used in press and media articles and is the thing that people most want to see when they visit the underwater sculpture park.

Shown here, and on the following pages, is a sample of the articles which appeared in 2007/2008. The coverage continued in 2009 and in fact increased in 2010 as Jason unveiled his new project in Mexico. Whilst Grenada may not be front of story it continues to be referenced in Jason???s interviews.

The sculptures have made such a contribution to Grenada???s Media and Press coverage that it is important that we ensure that the park continues to grow and be sustained as it is the World???s First Underwater Sculpture Park.

The park grows and is in a constant state of change and visitors return on their next holiday to see what has changed and how the park has evolved. The rebuild project is important to Grenada as tourism is among the first industries to recover after a recession and this regeneration project will produce important coverage to keep Grenada in the media spotlight, boosting visitor numbers and helping to forge a path out of the current economic recession.

Jason will be making two more documentaries this year with National Geographic and the Discovery Channel which could provide outstanding coverage for Grenada if we can combine our regeneration project with this media coverage.

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